Gumption Travels Everywhere!
Creator/Performer - Patti Lee Worsley
Patti Lee Worsley
I started out as an elementary school teacher, and quickly learned that if children (and adults) don't have self-esteem/self-confidence, then they won't have the GUMPTION that it takes to be successful in school and/or LIFE! So, I left the "safety of the schoolroom" and began creating shows (what I call "Singing Seminars") that would teach quick and easy practices and ideas that boost confidence! (Anyone can smile, or look up a word, etc.)
I started out with children, because I feel that if we want to change the world, we have to first change the way we handle and teach our children! But, as I've grown, I've found that in order to change the way we treat our children, we have to change the way we treat ourselves! I'm so glad you've come by for a visit, I hope I get to meet you in person!